POUILLET, Claude-Servais-Matthias. Élémens de physique expérimentale et de météorologie. 1827-28-29-30.
POUILLET, Claude-Servais-Matthias.
Élémens de physique expérimentale et de météorologie.
Paris, Béchet jeune, 1827-28-29-30.
Two volumes bound in four 8vo (198x123 mm), (4)-vii-(1)-428 pages, 1 folding table and 10 plates / (4)-782-(2) pages and 6 plates (continuous pagination with volume 1) / (4)-376 pages and 8 plates / (4)-852 pages and 7 plates (continuous pagination with volume 3). In total, 32 plates including the table. Exemplaire bien complet. binding : Contemporary quarter calf, gilt flat spine lettered in gilt. Lack of leather on the top of the spine of volume 1. 3 caps a little chipped. A splitting joint on volume 4. Foxing. Plate 6 of volume 1 is detached.

First edition.
Claude Pouillet (1790-1868) was a French physicist and politician, renowned for his scientific research and physics courses he gave jointly with Joseph Gay-Lussac (1778-1850, French chemist and physicist) at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris.
This book gathers together all the lessons given, whose subjects are the main fields of study of physics such as heat, gravity, magnetism, electricity, the actions of molecules, the structure of bodies, elasticity , sound, optics, etc.
references: DSB [XI, p. 100-111].
provenance: Henry Dunand (bookplate).
Price : 300 €